Vaadin Trademarks

"Vaadin", "}>" and "Fight for Simplicity" are
Vaadin registered trademarks.

You may use the registered
trademark "Vaadin" as follows:

  • You may refer to Vaadin Framework or Vaadin Ltd on your site, technical materials, books, presentations and other materials as long as it is purely for reference and do not constitute an endorsement by Vaadin Ltd or Vaadin open source project.
  • You may use Vaadin as part of your event or publication title, provided that your name appears more prominently than Vaadin and the title does not start with the word Vaadin, for example "Annual XYZ JUG meeting for Vaadin developers".
  • You may name your application "XYZ for Vaadin", but you may not name it "Vaadin XYZ".
  • You may use terms "works with Vaadin", "optimized for Vaadin", "designed for Vaadin", "for use with Vaadin" etc. to describe your application.
  • You may indicate that your site or service is developed with Vaadin by using terms "developed with Vaadin", "runs on Vaadin" etc. on your site or service.

Use of Vaadin Logos

You may not use the "Vaadin }>" or "}>" logos or graphics that resemble them or use them as part without Vaadin’s written permission in any circumstances.

Official Vaadin logos are available below:
Vaadin logo
Vaadin symbol

Vaadin may grant permissions to use the logos for the following organizations when asked:

  • Vaadin Solution Partners (VSP)
  • Vaadin Training Partners (VTP)
  • Vaadin user groups and communities
  • Book publishers

To get a permission to use the logos, please contact us.

Visual guidelines for logos


Maintain clear space around the logo to protect the logo from distracting graphics or typography. Never allow typography or other elements invade the logo.

Minimum Size

Our logo integrity and legibility must never be compromised. When working in small sizes extra care is needed to make sure it's reproduction is clean, clear and of the highest possible quality.


Maintain clear space around the logo to protect the logo from distracting graphics or typography. Never allow typography or other elements invade the logo.

Color Variations

Maintain clear space around the logo to protect the logo from distracting graphics or typography. Never allow typography or other elements invade the logo.


<div class="feature-pages trademark-view">

        <div class="trademark-view__intro-section">
            <div class="trademark-view__intro-text">
                <img src="" alt="" class="trademark-view__intro-logo">
                <h1 class="trademark-view__intro-title">Vaadin Trademarks</h1>
                <p class="large trademark-view__intro-subtitle">
                    "Vaadin", "}&gt;" and "Fight for Simplicity" are <br>Vaadin registered trademarks.

    <div class="trademark-view__rules-section">
        <div class="container-fluid container-padding--medium">
            <h2 class="trademark-view__rules-title">You may use the registered <br>trademark "Vaadin" as follows:</h2>
            <ul class="trademark-view__rules-list unstyled-list">
                <li>You may refer to Vaadin Framework or Vaadin Ltd on your site, technical materials, books, presentations and other materials as long as it is purely for reference and do not constitute an endorsement by Vaadin Ltd or Vaadin open source project.</li>
                <li>You may use Vaadin as part of your event or publication title, provided that your name appears more prominently than Vaadin adn the title does not start with the word Vaadin, for example "Annual XYZ JUG meeting for Vaadin developers".</li>
                <li>You may name you application "XYZ for Vaadin", but you may not name it "Vaadin XYZ".</li>
                <li>You may use terms "works with Vaadin", "optimized for Vaadin", "designed for Vaadin", "for use with Vaadin" etc. to describe your application.</li>
                <li>You may indicate that your site or service is developed with Vaadin by using terms "developed with Vaadin", "runs on Vaadin" etc. on your site or service.</li>

    <div class="">
        <div class="container-fluid container-padding--medium">
            <div class="trademark-view__use-of-logos">
                <h2 class="trademark-view__use-of-logos-title">Use of Vaadin Logos</h2>
                <p>You may not use the "Vaadin }&gt;" or "}&gt;" logos or graphics that resemble them or use them as part without Vaadin’s written permission in any circumstances.</p>

                <h5 class="trademark-view__use-of-logos-subtitle">Official Vaadin logos are available below:</h5>

                <div class="trademark-view__logos-container">
                    <div class="trademark-view__logos">
                        <img src="" alt="">
                        <h5 class="trademark-view__logos-title">Vaadin logo</h5>
                        <p class="trademark-view__logos-links">PNG:
                            <a download href="/images/trademark/PNG/VaadinLogo_RGB_500x155.png">500x155</a> /
                            <a download href="/images/trademark/PNG/VaadinLogo_RGB_1000x310.png">1000x310</a></p>
                        <p class="trademark-view__logos-links">PDF:
                            <a download href="/images/trademark/PDF/VaadinLogo_RGB.pdf">RGB</a> /
                            <a download href="/images/trademark/PDF/VaadinLogo_CMYK.pdf">CMYK</a></p>
                    <div class="trademark-view__logos">
                        <img src="" alt="">
                        <h5 class="trademark-view__logos-title">Vaadin symbol</h5>
                        <p class="trademark-view__logos-links">PNG:
                            <a download href="/images/trademark/PNG/VaadinLogomark_RGB_500x500.png">500x500</a> /
                            <a download href="/images/trademark/PNG/VaadinLogomark_RGB_1000x1000.png">1000x1000</a></p>
                        <p class="trademark-view__logos-links">PDF:
                            <a download href="/images/trademark/PDF/VaadinLogomark_RGB.pdf">RGB</a> /
                            <a download href="/images/trademark/PDF/VaadinLogomark_CMYK.pdf">CMYK</a></p>

            <div class="trademark-view__use-of-logos-rules">
                <p class="trademark-view__use-of-logos-rules-title">Vaadin may grant permissions to use the logos for the following organizations when asked:</p>
                <ul class="feature-pages__unordered-list">
                    <li>Vaadin Solution Partners (VSP)</li>
                    <li>Vaadin Training Partners (VTP)</li>
                    <li>Vaadin user groups and communities</li>
                    <li>Book publishers</li>
                <p class="trademark-view__use-of-logos-rules-text">To get a permission to use the logos, please <a href="/company/contact" router-link>contact us</a>.</p>

    <div class="trademark-view__visual-guidelines-section">
        <div class="container-fluid container-padding--medium">
            <h2 class="trademark-view__visual-guidelines-section-title">Visual guidelines for logos</h2>
            <div class="trademark-view__visual-container">
                <div class="trademark-view__visual">
                    <h5 class="trademark-view__visual-title">Whitespace</h5>
                    <p class="trademark-view__visual-text">Maintain clear space around the logo to protect the logo from

                        distracting graphics or typography. Never allow typography or other

                        elements invade the logo.
                    <img src="" alt="" class="trademark-view__visual-photo">
                <div class="trademark-view__visual">
                    <h5 class="trademark-view__visual-title">Minimum Size</h5>
                    <p class="trademark-view__visual-text">Our logo integrity and legibility must never be compromised. When

                        working in small sizes extra care is needed to make sure it's

                        reproduction is clean, clear and of the highest possible quality.
                    <img src="" alt="" class="trademark-view__visual-photo-centered">
            <div class="trademark-view__visual-container">
                <div class="trademark-view__visual">
                    <h5 class="trademark-view__visual-title">DO NOT ALTER</h5>
                    <p class="trademark-view__visual-text">Maintain clear space around the logo to protect the logo from

                        distracting graphics or typography. Never allow typography or other

                        elements invade the logo.
                    <img src="" alt="" class="trademark-view__visual-photo">
                <div class="trademark-view__visual">
                    <h5 class="trademark-view__visual-title">Color Variations</h5>
                    <p class="trademark-view__visual-text">Maintain clear space around the logo to protect the logo from

                        distracting graphics or typography. Never allow typography or other

                        elements invade the logo.
                    <img src="" alt="" class="trademark-view__visual-photo">