White Papers

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What’s the best way to modernize your Java applications?

Are you considering modernizing your Java applications? Download our white paper to assess your options for upgrading your business application for the web and cloud.
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Accessibility: Why accessibility is critical for business web applications

Digital accessibility (often abbreviated to “a11y”) is about ensuring that everybody can access and use your website or application, regardless of any disability or impairment they may have.
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What’s the best way to modernize your Java applications?

Are you considering modernizing your Java applications? Download our white paper to assess your options for upgrading your business application for the web and cloud.
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Enterprise UX: Why It Matters and What to Do About It

Take your business app’s user experience to the next level! Download our white paper to uncover the importance of UX for the success of your business and end users.
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Evaluating a Framework: A Guide for Business Leaders

Selecting the right framework for your next business application is a critical part of ensuring its success and ability to meet your business's present and future needs. This guide is here to help you.
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Vaadin Swing Migration Service

Planning to complete a migration of your Swing desktop application to the Web? Unlock the value of your existing applications and unburden your developers with our guide.
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Business application migration, the easy way

Migrating legacy business apps from deprecated technologies to the web can increase innovation speed, improve change management, and boost developer productivity. Read our free white paper about Application Migration to learn more!
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IT in Healthcare

Digital transformation continues to accelerate in the healthcare sector, driven by COVID-19 and rising digital-first services. Uncover the latest IT priorities for healthcare, the benefits of PWAs, and the features of a future-proof business app.

Considering Vaadin for your business?

Book a demo with a Vaadin expert to see how our unmatched stability, commercial tooling and dedicated support services can help your organization deliver better web apps faster.